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Why learn Sanskrit?
There are several reasons why you should learn Sanskrit. Some serious and some not so much. But I would say you should learns Sanskrit because it is so much fun!
Apart from the fun, learning Sanskrit can also help you understand the etymology of a lot of words in Indian and non-Indian languages. It would also help you understand ancient Sanskrit texts, shlokas and other Sanskrit words in their true context, with nothing getting lost in translation.
Sanskrit is also a very systematic and syntactic language and the grammar of the language servers as a master template for most Indian (and a few European) languages.
To the learnsanskritonline…
To the admin, Thanks for the well-organized and comprehensive post!
sanskrit learning made a passion
My love to sanskrit learning is very old but never got free to learn that. Now I take the liberty to be free to understand the epics on my own. If possible..
Sanskrit is the mother of all
Sanskrit is the mother of all languages of the world.It is scientifically proven fact.In big universities of the world it is a most researched language.It is almost a knowledge data-bank of every facet and every descipline of mankind.So it is a need of the hour is that one must learn completely the language as a proud Indian language.No any language in the world is so beautiful,complete and so rich like this one.Indian educational system must focus on creating maximum number of Sanskrit scholars and experts.Every citizen should become Sanskrit proficient.
Sanskrit is the mother of all
It is ok to to be proud of a language. But saying / Claiming it as the mother of all language is superiority complex.
Sanskrit of no doubt is one of the oldest and beautiful language in the world. But that doesn't mean it is a mother of all languages.
It is blatantly wrong to say "No any language in the world is so beautiful,complete and so rich like this one" As if you mastered all the languages in the world.
By saying so you are dis crediting and dis respecting all other languages.
There is difference between saying, It is a great language and It is the only great language.
Propagating such false information is bad and creates mentality of hegemony.
I hope you understand.
Hello learnsanskritonline…
Hello administrator, You always provide great insights.
Why Learn Sanskrit
i agree; the syntac rules can be structured wonderfully into computer version with every logic in declensions making it possible for translating into computer language with much ease.